The organization will be referred to as ZCHARIA JOSE MEMORIAL FOUNDATION (ZJMF)
Article 2: MOTTO
“ Make a difference in the lives of people and communities affected by cancer”
The Zcharia Jose Memorial Foundation shall be located in the City of Olathe in Kansas. This location is suitable for the organization’s work because it is easily accessible and has all the facilities needed to
carry out the work.
“Make a difference in the lives of people and communities affected by cancer through raising awareness and providing time and material assistance”
Zcharia Jose Memorial Foundation Mission is to:
• Raise awareness
• Donate time
• Provide material support
• Be an agent of compassion and change
For people and communities affected by cancer.
A. To raise funds through community sports and/or cultural events, campaigns through online channels and/or media to fund Foundation’s charity activities.
B. To pledge time from Foundation members and community at large for activities that support or benefit people and communities affected by cancer.
C. To pledge funds generated from Foundation activities to non-profit organizations serving people impacted by cancer, such as, American Cancer Society.
D. To provide financial support to cancer patients for treatments or any treatment related expenses.
E. To educate the KC community about cancer and cancer care facilities.
F. To solicit, collect, receive, acquire, hold and invest money or other property received by donation, gift, contribution, request or advice and to sell and convert property both real and personal into cash and to use the funds of the organization and the proceeds, income, rents issues and profits derived from any property of the organization for any of the purpose for which the organization was formed.
G. To mobilize resources for supporting the day to day running of the organization.
The Executive Committee and Board of Directors are the legal owners of the organization and are
responsible, for its smooth running.
The organization structure shall be as follows;
i. The Executive Committee. The executive committee consist of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary.
a. President: Remil Raju
b. Vice-President: Jose A. K.
c. Treasurer: Nelson Kurian
d. Secretary: Shyju Puthoor
ii. The Board of Directors
a. Shiney Zcharia
b. Sabu Abraham
c. Joseph Veleeparambil
iii. The Volunteers.
a. Emmanuel Mathew
I. The Executive Committee and Board of Directors shall be the supreme body of this Organization.
II. The General Assembly shall be held at a location or virtually as decided upon by the board.
III. Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Volunteers will form the fully subscribed members for the purpose of General Assembly.
IV. The fully subscribed members shall be eligible to attend, participate and vote in all general assemblies and matters that arise there under.
V. The quorum for the meeting shall be one-fourth of the fully subscribed members or a minimum of three members. A quorum of three or more members can conduct foundation business and make decisions on behalf of the Zcharia Jose Memorial Foundation.
VI. Notice of the meeting shall be 2 weeks, weekends, and holidays inclusive before the actual date of the meeting.
VII. The President of the Executive Committee shall be the Chairperson of the Foundation and will preside over the General Assembly.
VIII. In the event the President cannot attend and lead the meeting, his shall appoint a nominee to run General Assembly.
ARTICLE 9: DUTIES OF THE Executive Board
The Executive Committee and Board of Directors will form the Executive Board and will have the following duties:
i. To discuss, debate and approve annual fund-raising activities and work plans
ii. To discuss, debate and approve allocation of funds for various charitable causes
iii. To discuss, debate and approve requests for help from community
iv. To plan, develop and execute annual work plans
v. To read and approve the previous minutes.
vi. To receive, discuss and approve annual reports
vii. To debate and approve policies, fees, and rates of payments as prepared by the board and secretariat.
viii. To elect new members of the board of Directors.
ix. To confirm appointments or resignations as the cases may be.
x. Responsible for the financial management of the Foundation
xi. Any other duties as that may arise.
i. Elections of the Executive Board members shall be held every 3years.
ii. Elections shall be held immediately after the submission of the relevant reports to the General Assembly.
iii. Voting shall be by secret ballot or by show of hands depending on the circumstances.
iv. Any member can vote but those to stand for election must be in good standing and of reputable character.
v. By – elections shall be held if any member of the Board resigns or is forced to resign in case of insanity, disease, death or if summoned with a vote of no confidence within 90 Calendar days.
vi. Voting on any other matter before the general assembly shall be by show of hands each member present shall have a right to vote.
i. The Organization’s financial resources shall be donations, tournaments, cultural events offerings, grants proposals and other sources as considered by the Executive Board.
ii. The Organization’s money shall have custody within the Foundations’ bank accounts operated from recognized banking institutions.
iii. The financial year of the organization shall be January to December.
I. Executive Board will handle all disputes amongst members in the organization.
II. The Executive Board shall be responsible for laying the code of conduct for the organization.
iii. Executive board will evaluate any disputes amongst members. Disciplinary action may range from warning to expulsion from the committee.
If and whenever any difficulty shall arise between the organization and any of the members or their respective representatives touching the construction of any of the articles herein contained or any act or thing made or done or to be made or done, or omitted or in regard to the rights and liabilities arising hereunder, or arising out of the relation existing between the parties by reason of these present or of
the act such differences shall forth with be referred to two arbitrators appointed by each party in difference or to an umpire to be chosen by the arbitrators.
A vote of no confidence in any member of the Board shall only be by 2/3 majority vote of members present of the extra – ordinary/General meeting.
This constitution or any part thereof, may be amended by a resolution of the General Assembly carried out by 2/3 majority vote of members present. At least a 90 Calendar days’ notice shall be communicated, before the motion of amendment is debated upon.
i. This Organization shall have the powers to own and receive property of any kind in conjunction with the Non governments’ organizations Act, policy and not in –conflict with the constitution of United States Federal laws as long as the source is not in any way prejudiced to the
objectives of the Organization as stated therein.
ii. The property of this Organization shall be applied solely towards the achievements of its objectives and incidental thereto.
iii. The Executive Board is the Chief custodian of the Organization’s property.
iv. The mode of disposal of the Organization’s property shall be determined by the board and approved by the General Assembly.
I. This Organization may be dissolved by the resolution of the General Assembly provided the motion is carried out by 2/3 majority vote of current membership.
II. A written notice shall be given within 90 Calendar days in advance specifying the reasons for the dissolution to all members.
III. In the event of dissolution, the property of this Organization shall be given to an organization of similar objectives or to government through their respective local governments.
IV. No distribution of assets amongst members and employees will be transacted or allowed.
The General Assembly in collaboration with the Executive Board shall have the powers of interpretation of the articles of this Constitution, which interpretation shall be final and binding on the members.
We members present at the Executive Committee on this day……………..of the year …………………. on behalf of the Organization, hereby acknowledge and pledge to uphold and abide by this Constitution of ‘Collaborative initiative for community empowerment and development’ by appending our signatures (Appendix 1).
Appendix 1:
Executive Committee
Name Position
Remil Raju President
Jose A. K. Vice President
Nelson Kurian Treasurer
Shyju Puthoor Secretary
Board of Directors
Shiney Zcharia Director
Joseph Veleeparambil Director
Sabu Abraham Director
Volunteer List
Sethu Das Volunteer
Sudheesh Volunteer
Emmanuel Volunteer
Manu Pratap Volunteer